Saturday, December 7, 2013

Changed session times

Today's class times have been changed due to the Dexa Scans we are having done all day. In order to make sure you all don't miss out on the sat morning WOD we are running a never ending class. 

There will be a set warm up and cool down written on the board and the clock will be continues so you can join in at anytime that works around your scan time. 

8am WOD Start and last session can be started no later then 10:30am as gym will be closing up at 11am so that we have enough time to go set up for the Xmas Party BBQ 

please check FB for BBQ details or the white board at the from entry of the gym 

Deck of Cards - 20min AMRAP 

Hearts - Pull ups 
Clubs - Push ups 
Diamonds - Sit ups 
Spades - Squats 

Joker Black - 15 Burpee 
Joker Red - 50m Bear Crawls 

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