Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Chief

5 Rounds
3min AMRAP 1 min rest

3 Power Cleans
6 Pushups
9 Squats


  1. How much weight are we using for the power cleans?

  2. If the girls are doing 40kg, then I guess that means I'm doing 60kg.
    Hmmmm, not too sure if I can handle that weight.

  3. yeah - Bradley wrote 60/40kg. I did hear Bas say "I think we'll be doing a few at 35kg" (as if that's gonna make a lot of difference! lol)

    Great job last night, Rashelle - you were on fire!

  4. Ok, power cleans weren't as hard as I thought.
    Round 1 = 4
    Round 2 = 4
    Round 3 = 3
    Round 4 = 3
    Round 5 = 4
    Total = 18 Rounds. Next time I'll try for 25.
    I'm going to do whatever the main site WOD is tomorrow.

  5. 35kg power cleans
    3 full sets per round = 15 sets
    (have to mention the 2 rounds where I almost got a 4th set... 1st round only 3 squats off - damn it!)
    Steve, do the burpee mile and make us all proud! haha

  6. What is the burpee mile? Cruel and Unusual I bet.

  7. Steve, the burpee mile is... 1 burpee then a big broard jump (take off & land on 2 feet), repeat this for a whole 1.6km (mile)

  8. haha - had to post again to share...
    the random security code i had to type just then was
    "weepeth" how funny - it's like it knows!
