Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Helen likes to jerk

Strength - 1 rm Push jerk

WOD - Helen

3 Rpunds for time

400m run
21 kettle bell swings
12 Pull ups

Note - There is no 4:30pm class today sorry

Hi all just letting you know that i am alive & kicking.... well not kicking but alive i will be coming to see you all on sat morning at 8 am then going for brekky afterwards hope to see you all soon.



  1. 13:00 rx'd (yay!!!)

    Thanks Beau, for training us

  2. Oh - and 52.5kg push jerk
    (so close to 55kg - lol)

  3. Push Jerk - 65kg
    Helen - 13:36rx'd (strict pullups)

  4. Just checked last year's Helen time - 12:18 - guess I'm not quite back to where I was a whole freakin year ago! But getting there... :o)
